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Avoid a Holiday Tragedy with a Smoke Detector That Works


It’s that time of year again, when thoughts turn to visits with family, friends and celebrations. We love this season too! However, remember to include a small but significant tradition in your holiday planning this year: check your smoke alarms. We don’t need to remind you that there are more household fires during these months than any other, and that you really don’t want a tragedy any time of year, let alone on Thanksgiving, during Hanukkah or on Christmas.

But nevertheless, it can happen.

Your job? Make sure it doesn’t.

Today or tonight, check the date stamped on the back of your smoke alarms. This is the manufacture date, and for best results, your alarms should have been made in the last 10 years. If they are past that date, order new ones online or buy them tomorrow at your local hardware store.

Should I replace my fire detectors if they don’t detect carbon monoxide?

Yes. Learn why here.

Are your detectors relatively up to date?

All you have to do right now is swap out the batteries with new ones. Most units use a simple 9-volt.

After you’re replaced the battery, shut the back of the smoke detector firmly, and make sure it’s set back into place. Then, press the “test” mechanism to make sure the battery has been installed correctly. This means you will hear a beep or chirping noise upon activating the test button.

Go through your house to make sure every bedroom in your home has a smoke alarm and a new battery. Every floor of your home should have a smoke alarm too. After all, according to the National Fire Protection Association, you have only 3 minutes or less to escape if your home is on fire. Why so little time? Changes to home construction materials, and increased use of synthetics in furniture are to blame, making the smoke alarm perhaps the most valuable household item you may own.

Protect your family and yourself.

And let’s enjoy this season of gratitude together, in safety as well as indoor comfort!



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