How to Fix Problems with Hot and Cold Spots in Your Greater Los Angeles Home

How to Fix Problems with Hot and Cold Spots in Your Greater Los Angeles Home

Hot and Cold Spots in Your Los Angeles HomeHave you noticed that one room in your house is perfectly comfortable while another one is uncomfortable due to a temperature difference of several degrees? If so, you are not alone. Many homeowners experience annoying and uncomfortable hot and cold spots inside their homes. Fortunately, there are some steps you can take to ensure a uniform temperature throughout your home.

Check the Vents

Check all your vents and make sure there are no obstructions over or in front of them, such as furniture. A common myth about vents is that closing them in some rooms helps regulate temperature. Closing off a vent may stop airflow into that room, but it also increases pressure that may damage your HVAC equipment. Having dampers professionally placed within the ductwork can create the same effect as closing vents without straining your equipment.

Install a Ceiling Fan

A ceiling fan helps to eliminate hot and cold spots in your home by increasing circulation. Ensure your fan rotates clockwise in winter and counterclockwise in summer.

Proper HVAC Sizing

Your furnace or air conditioner needs to be the right size for your home. A unit that is too large or too small makes it hard to control indoor humidity levels and achieve uniform temperatures. Some areas will get too much hot or cool air, whereas others won’t get enough. Contact an HVAC professional to determine the ideal size of a heating or cooling unit for your home’s square footage.

Regular Maintenance

HVAC maintenance is vital to keep your system running efficiently and prolonging its lifespan. Have your system regularly serviced, particularly before each new season.

Zoning System

A zoning system is a setup where your home is divided into different temperature zones. Each zone has a dedicated thermostat and damper within the ductwork that opens or closes depending on the thermostat’s settings. The system adjusts temperatures independently for each zone.

By taking the necessary steps to ensure even temperatures, you’ll increase your home’s overall comfort level and energy efficiency. For more information on eliminating hot and cold spots, contact Air-Tro. We serve the Greater Los Angeles area.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in the greater Los Angeles, California area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).

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