Supporting students in Duarte
Foothill Oaks Academy, in Duarte, CA recently hosted CASINO NIGHT, an evening of casino games, dinner and silent auction. Parents and supporters enjoyed a lively night of casino games, friendly competitive bidding, and mingling while enjoying delicious appetizers.
Over $16,000 was raised from the fundraiser. All proceeds from the event benefit the students and programs of the school, such as adding fencing to the block wall, fixing the drinking fountains, and sprucing up Middle School landscaping.
We had the privilege of participating in the support of CASINO NIGHT and received a lovely letter of thanks from them.
Air-Tro is proud to support our local community.
Foothill Oaks Academy provides every child the opportunity to reach their highest potential in a setting that promotes respect for the individual.
FOA fosters an environment that blends an ambitious academic program with varied enrichment activities. Students are encouraged to become lifelong learners and confident risk-takers, able to accept challenges and capable of becoming contributing, productive members of society. For more info visit Foothill Oaks Academy.